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Millennium Edition: New Gods 1 2000 #[nn] - back issue - $10.00

Millennium Edition: New Gods 1 2000 #[nn] - back issue - $10.00


Regular price $10.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 CAD

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Discusses Jack Kirby?s early 1970?s work at DC.

The Source tells Orion to go to Apokolips and there he releases the humans, whose minds hold the secret to the ?Anti-Life Equation?, from Darkseid.

Marv tells of his visit to see Jack Kirby a few years before he started to work for National/DC.

  • Jack Kirby Unleashes the Fourth World Saga - Vince Colletta is mistakenly credited as inker.
  • New Gods #1 Jack Kirby's Fourth World Arrives - Printed on inside front and back covers.
  • Orion Fights for Earth! - Lettering credit from GCD index of The New Gods #1.


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